「トドの妖精」について/about "Sea Lion Fairy"
  トドの妖精って?/What's "Sea Lion Fairy"
"Sea Lion fairy" are fairies with a sea lion face wearing glasses.The fairy world is in a different world than the human world.It is said that they will come to the partner person and deliver happiness.
The "Sea Lion Faily" can not only fly in the sky, but can also convert it into digital data and go back and forth in the online world.The human world and the fairy world are online.
  トドの妖精の生と死/Birth and death
The "Fairy of Sea lion" also has a "life".When a human being strongly desires to come, he is born in the fairy world and comes to the human world with happiness.
Fairies will eventually get sick and die in accidents and disasters.If the partner human forgets the existence of the fairy, he or she may get sick and die.When he or she die, his or her body disappears.
  「トドメガネ」と13匹の妖精達/Todomegane and 13 fairies
"Todomegane" is a fairy world prince. In order to learn "happiness" and "disaster prevention", he came to "Gory" who runs "TODOROKI Radio". And 13 other fairies also came to support it. These fairies have a determined personality and role.

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